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Fans of baseball, simulators and really large numbers might want to take note: Baseball Simulator 1000 is coming to the North American Wii U Virtual Console tomorrow!

Originally released back in 1989, Baseball Simulator 1000 plays exactly as the title would suggest. Players partake in full-length seasons with six teams for a defined number of games in a race for the pennant. This title’s actually one of the better baseball games to be released on the NES, often praised for its blend of traditional baseball mechanics and goofy arcade-inspired twist on the genre. For example, the use of Ultra Plays allows pitchers to disappear or hits explode and knock down opposing fielders.

Baseball Simulator 1000 will be sold for $4.99.

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Written by Matthew Weidner

When it comes to playing and writing about video games, Matthew aspires to be the very best, like no one ever was. Writing for Nintendo Wire and the thought of one day finally achieving a perfect, no death Super Meat Boy run fills him with determination.