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Lately, there’s been a trend of private events at Nintendo NY resulting in the second floor being closed for specific days. The second floor is of particular interest as it’s where the majority of demo units are held, as well the large demo screen built into the wall of the store. Yesterday, that trend was announced to continue.

A number of those in the community suspect that some of these private events are just people renting out the space, though this hasn’t always proven to be the case. Last time Nintendo NY tweeted that there was to be a private event on the second floor, it was simply for Disney Art Academy.

So, even though there’s bound to be something going on on Friday, there’s no reason to get your hopes up for anything too big here; however, there’s always the possibility that this could lead to something more significant. Keep checking back and we’ll make sure to let you know if anything big comes out of this!


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Written by George Comatas

As a wannabe social media personality and professional in the world of sarcasm, George does his best to always adapt to the changing world around him. He considers himself a maverick: a true-to-heart gamer with the mind of a pop star. Whether this makes him revolutionary or a setback, he's yet to find out. But one thing’s for sure; he's one-of-a-kind.