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The Nintendo Badge Arcade is saying “thank you!” to its players today and has brought back some of its most popular catchers! Pokémon, Super Mario Maker, Fire Emblem Fates, The Legend of Zelda and Metroid badges (including Power Suit Isabelle) are all yours for the taking!

Free play? Yes!
Practice catcher:

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Also, be sure to check out the Badge Arcade’s latest offer! No, it isn’t a 3DS home screen theme– it’s more badges! You can receive a badge of the Arcade Bunny himself for every five plays you buy, or grab all four of the set for the cost of 20 plays. Jump on this promotion quick, ‘cause you have ‘til May 25th to grab them all!

5-5 (23) - Arcade Bunny Badges

That’s all for today! Catch you tomorrow!

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Written by Daniel Dell-Cornejo

Daniel is an editor at Nintendo Wire. Always with his head in the clouds, he is never apart from his creative thoughts – a blessing for an aspiring fiction writer. As a journalist and lifelong gamer, he aims to provide readers with the very best in Nintendo coverage.