Square-Enix’s incredibly popular MMORPG, Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn, is no stranger to cross-overs. Given the popularity of Yo-Kai Watch over in Japan, it’s no surprise the franchise the next in line for a collaboration. Take a look at a few of the yo-kai making the leap to Eorzea as minions:
FFXIV players will also be able to hitch a ride on a giant Whisper, who is a brand-new flying mount:

You can check out more of the Final Fantasy XIV yo-kai minions and the various new themed weapons and accessories here, courtesy of Siliconera.
As is usually the case with these sorts of collaborations, it goes both ways. That’s right: two very familiar faces are making their way to the upcoming Yo-Kai Watch 3 on the Nintendo 3DS. Take a look:
The two new Final Fantasy Yo-kai will also be getting their own unique Yo-kai Medals:

Yo-Kai Watch 3 will be releasing in Japan on July 16th. We’ll be sure to let you know if it ever makes the trip overseas, and if these Final Fantasy cameos will come along for the ride.