Another month has come and gone, and, just like clockwork, we’ve got our first look at the April issue of CoroCoro, thanks to a set of scans collated by Serebii.
You may remember that last month the magazine promised “special features” regarding Pokémon Sun and Moon, and while that’s technically true, they haven’t given us much (at least in the scans we have seen so far.)

The image above is the most direct reference to Sun and Moon, and the magazine teases that we’ll be able to see the Pokémon that will adorn the cover in next month’s issue, as part of a “huge scoop” on the upcoming titles.
Thankfully there is something a little more substantial to be found elsewhere in the magazine: Magearna’s typing. The star of the upcoming anime movie will be Steel/Fairy.

The magazine covers two more minor pieces of PokéNews. First up is the Pokémon Elections we mentioned last month, as more specific details have been revealed. Japanese cinema-goers who prebook a ticket for the upcoming movie will get a card they can fill in and send off before May 8th. The Pokémon that gets the most votes via this ballot will be announced in June and then distributed via the movie.

Finally we have a brand new game making its way to Japanese arcades: Pokémon Ga-Olé. It seems like a follow up to the previous Pokémon arcade games, Battrio and Tretta, where players collect discs and use them with the machines to battle.

That’s all for this month! If any more scans emerge we’ll be sure to update this post, so stay tuned.