In addition to the many perks Amazon offers to its Prime members, the retail giant will now be offering a 20% discount on newly released and pre-ordered games.
The service can be seen as competition for Best Buy’s Gamers Club Unlocked service, which also offers its members 20% off new physical video games, as well as 20% off toys-to-life (amiibo), 10 % off pre-owned games, and a ton of other great benefits to its subscribers for $15 a year.
It’s worth noting that members of Amazon Prime can only take advantage of this discount if the game is purchased and shipped via Amazon, which is usually denoted by the Prime icon appearing next to the price. If you decide not to pre-order the game, members will still have two weeks after the game’s release to take advantage of the savings. For those who pre-ordered a game before this promotion, Amazon will automatically apply the discount to your existing pre-order.

Subscribing to Amazon Prime or Gamers Club Unlocked is a must for anyone who buys a lot of video games. The savings you tally up throughout the year will easily cover up the initial cost of these services.
As of now, there are a bunch of upcoming Nintendo games and amiibo you can pre-order and purchase through Amazon’s new discount. We made a quick list of games and amiibo we thought were worth checking out: