On February 21st 1986, a legend was first told. A young man dressed in green took to the monster infested Kingdom of Hyrule to save its Princess, who was captured by the nefarious pig lord, Ganon. This was the first Legend of Zelda, and even after 30 years we keep coming back to hear continued tales of this seemingly eternal conflict.
To celebrate this significant anniversary, the Nintendo Inquirer team is planning to make 2016 a year of celebrations. Expect retrospectives, editorials and previews throughout the year, as we remember Nintendo’s legends and look to the future of the franchise.
We hope you’ll join us as we celebrate 2016: the Year of Zelda!

– The Legend of Zelda
– Adventure of Link
– The Wind Waker
– Skyward Sword
– Impact and Legacy
– What to Expect from the 30th Anniversary