It’s been a long road to Super Meat Boy Forever, though thankfully one not one wrought with sawblades and pitfalls. During PAX East, SMBF designer Tommy Refenes spoke with Dualshockers about what fans could expect from the game once it does make its debut later this spring.
Specifically, Refenes spoke of the post-launch DLC plans for the game. He called the additions “substantial,” and they’ll be including some “ridiculously hard” levels for good measure. Fitting for a franchise known for its unforgiving difficulty, this is great news for anyone out to prove or hurt themselves.
Another addition will be a level editor for the game. While it won’t be ready when the game releases, it’s being planned and worked on to allow fans their own chance to put others to the test. You can read the full interview over at the Dualshockers site, and look forward to Super Meat Boy Forever’s release in the near future.
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