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Seeing new games and ideas during Nindie Showcases is always a highlight, and today one of those was Creature in the Well by Flight School Studio. A top down, hack and slash, dungeon crawling experience sounds fun but familiar on its own. But then you mix in pinball elements and what looks to be some world building that’s more show than tell, and you’ve got my attention:

You play as a BOT-C unit tasked with restoring power to an ancient facility, though one that’s now in the grip of a mysterious and hidden Creature. Beyond that, according to a press release the game features:

  • Defeat the Creature: Escape the many challenges set by the Creature and get face-to-face with it in impressive confrontations.
  • Dungeon-crawler: Delve deeper into the mountain as you unlock each of the eight dungeons, each filled with unique gameplay themes, unlockables, and secrets to uncover.
  • Pinball with swords: Charge up energy orbs and have them bounce around and ricochet in order to reactivate dormant machinery.
  • Over 20 unique items: Customize your playstyle with upgradeable weapons and clothing that change how you play the game.

Be on the lookout for Creature in the Well on the eShop this summer.

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Written by Ricky Berg

When he isn’t writing for Nintendo Wire, Ricky’s anticipating the next Kirby, Fire Emblem, or if the stars ever align, Mother 3 to be released. Till then he’ll have the warm comfort of Super Smash Bros. to keep him going.