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This week’s Indie Highlights from Nintendo of Europe gave us a great look at some upcoming Nintendo Switch indie titles. Today, we’re featuring Forager, Inmost, and Double Kick Heroes, three very unique games I can’t wait to get my hands on.


Looking part Zelda, part Harvest Moon, with notes of The Binding of Isaac sprinkled in, Forager seems to provide a combination of experiences unlike anything else. Described as a 2D openworld game, Forager includes farming, dungeon crawling, puzzle solving, and boss fights.

The trailer takes on a sadistic tone akin to The Binding of Isaac, and some of the artwork seems reminiscent of that game as well. Your land is customizable, as the trailer showcases the process of placing buildings wherever you like.




Inmost is a somber, atmospheric, story-driven platformer coming to Switch in 2019. Promising an interconnected story featuring three protagonists, the Inmost reveal trailer captured us with stunning visuals, music, and tone. We got a look at the three characters in the trailer, and according to the Inmost website, this is what the game is all about:

“A Knight sworn to the forces of darkness. A creature which feeds on pain. A stranger searching for answers.

One interconnecting tale of suffering, sacrifice, and the young girl in the middle of it all.”

I’m already incredibly hyped for this game, and I can’t wait to see more of it later this year.



Double Kick Heroes

A self-described Rhythm Metal Shooter, Double Kick Heroes should provide yet another unique experience when it launches as a timed exclusive on Nintendo Switch.

Including over 30 original songs as well as licensed tracks from guest artists, Double Kick Heroes looks like an awesome original rhythm game with a unique twist. You’ll have to gun down enemies who are chasing you by timing button presses (gun shots) to the beat of the music. I’m a sucker for a good rhythm game, so I’ll definitely have to check this one out, too.


Forager, Inmost, and Double Kick Heroes all look like wonderfully unique experiences coming to Nintendo Switch. The amount of indie support on the platform is amazing, and I’m excited to see how these three turn out!


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Written by Logan Plant

Logan loves voicing his opinions just as much as writing them. When he isn’t gaming or writing, Logan’s probably recording a podcast or chatting on the radio. Video game journalism is his passion, and he hopes to cover video games for years to come.