Out today, Nicalis has released a launch trailer celebrating Tiny Barbarian DX for the Nintendo Switch.
With the cheesiness of building a better body advertisements, Nicalis teases what you can expect in this 2D platformer.
Want to take your workout one step further? Let’s get physical with the physical version of the game! Nicalis is continuing the tradition of adding something extra by throwing in a full-color instruction booklet and a chibi keychain of Tiny Barbarian himself.
Only the print run at launch will contain these goodies though, so don’t wait too long to add these bonuses to your Switch collection. You can order it on Amazon right now.
If you can’t wait at all and you don’t feel you need the extra items, then head on over to the eShop to download this fearsome fighting barbarian today!
Many thanks to @GreenMoblin on Twitter for sharing their photo of everything the physical version includes!
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