The newest Focus has come to Fire Emblem Heroes and it’s all about magic. Not just any magic though, but the powerful Blade tomes specifically. There’s one each for the three colors of the Weapon Triangle: Tharja for red, Odin for blue and Nino for green. Tharja and Nino are both outright fantastic, and while Odin’s stats aren’t as desirable, he does come with the ever popular Moonbow, which can be passed on along with his weapon via Skill Inheritance.
「ブレード」系スキルを持った「物陰の闇使い サーリャ」「力を封印せし者 オーディン」「魔道の申し子 ニノ」をピックアップ中です!
自分が受けている強化の分だけ攻撃が上がるスキルですので、強化スキルを持つ英雄さんと組み合わせてくださいね!#FEヒーローズ— ファイアーエムブレム ヒーローズ (@FE_Heroes_JP) August 18, 2017
With the right support these mages and their trademark spells can become exceedingly powerful. If you have none of them, it might be worth going for a five star version now. Your orbs may be better spent trying for the Sacred Stones characters that were recently added, but we do get one free pull on all new Focuses since the latest update. Personally, I’d suggest leaning towards red, as Tharja is the rarest of the three. That said, there’s some amount of worth to be had with all of them so, as always, good luck!