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Recently, Nintendo Life sat down with the CEO and co-founder of CIRCLE Entertainment, Chris Chau, for an interview about cross-region game publishing. CIRCLE is not a developer itself (though it used to be), but instead acts as a bridge between developers and publishers in unfamiliar territory. And it seems that Nintendo Life decided to talk to CIRCLE because of the large presence within the 3DS eShop.

However, despite Chau’s support of the eShop, he willingly admits that CIRCLE doesn’t know much about the Wii U’s digital platform. This is largely, he claims, because indie games are becoming much harder to sell on home consoles, and it’s something he fears will extend toward the Switch as well, come its release.

Chau is quoted as saying:

“Right now we are focusing on 3DS, Steam and PlayStation (probably VR); we tried to apply for a Switch license and Nintendo wants us to be patient. Personally I am a little bit worried about Switch (not the hardware), but I’m still willing to work on the platform.

If you want to know my worries, I have to say that if this platform can easily port the likes of Unity and Unreal, for gamers that’s cool to see so many titles come out, but how can we make sure game quality will stay at a high level? Maybe some indies will port 5-10 titles in 2 months; it’ll be hard for small developers to survive on the platform with such huge competition.”

He does say that he thinks at the very least, the 3DS eShop is still thriving. And, most importantly: “we won’t give up on Nintendo titles.”


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Written by George Comatas

As a wannabe social media personality and professional in the world of sarcasm, George does his best to always adapt to the changing world around him. He considers himself a maverick: a true-to-heart gamer with the mind of a pop star. Whether this makes him revolutionary or a setback, he's yet to find out. But one thing’s for sure; he's one-of-a-kind.