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It’s been nearly 20 years since the original Dead Rising hit Xbox 360s in the summer of 2006. It’s also been zero days since I felt my bones crumbling into dust. My old age aside, Capcom has announced that a brand new version of its sandbox zombie game, titled Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster, will be hitting unspecified consoles later this year. Capcom is jumping the gun on 20 years, but then I’d welcome more Dead Rising.



While this version of the game might not wind up on Switch, there is a solid chance it could be a Switch 2 title. At the same time, a version of the original Dead Rising titled “Chop Till You Drop” was released for Wii and it retained most of what made the Xbox 360 original so interesting. Maybe Capcom has figured out a way to port all of the open-ended goodness to Nintendo’s hybrid console.



Despite the title being “Deluxe Remaster,” this new version seems to be a full remake of the first game. The in-game graphics have been dramatically overhauled and Frank’s character model is certainly more modern-looking. It could be that Capcom is testing out the RE Engine for a new Dead Rising sequel, which would be excellent. That would also signal that Deluxe Remaster can run on Switch.


Whatever happens, 2024 is set to be a good year for Dead Rising fans.

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Written by Peter Glagowski

Peter has been a freelance gaming and film critic for over seven years. His passion for Nintendo is only matched by the size of his collection.