In a bold move, Dolphin – the well-known emulator of GameCube and Wii hardware – is headed to massive gaming platform Steam. Its release on the platform has a target release date of Q2, and will be free to download, as it is on non-Steam platforms (PC, Mac, Linux, Android).
Dolphin allows you to play GameCube or Wii software with expanded tools and abilities like higher resolution, save states, adaptable control schemes, etc. While often associated with piracy, Dolphin is not itself a pirating tool – it merely offers an alternate way to play the games, not the games themselves. How you procure those ROMs is another matter entirely.
Given how easy Dolphin is to access on PC, we imagine that its appearance on Steam is to ease access of the platform on Steam Deck. With all luck this will just be a blip on the radar that doesn’t lead to anything too noteworthy, but the notoriously litigious Nintendo might deign to stir up trouble, especially if the Switch gets its own version of GameCube or Wii emulation. We’ll have to wait and see.
Via: Nintendo Everything
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