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Update (12/16/22): You can also order the cocktail glasses at Play-Asia for $13.99 each. And remember, you’ll save 5% on orders over $20 when you use the code NWIREQ4 at checkout!



If you’ve ever wanted your drinks to be a bit more adorable then this latest reveal by Square Enix Japan might be perfect in your cupboards.

The Square Enix merch store has updated with three round cocktail glasses themed to the Cactuar, Moogle, and Chocobo. Outlines of each critter’s iconic features are featured on the sides, though to get the full effect you’d want to fill them with appropriate drinks. Then again, given the number of variations throughout the series, maybe any drink would do? Just make sure your Coca-Cola filled Chocobo glass doesn’t fly away…



The goods have yet to appear on Square Enix’s North American merch store but chances are it’s only a matter of time! Until then, they’re available through Square Enix Japan for 1518 yen each, or around $11.11 as of this writing.


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Written by Tom Brown

Whether it’s an exciting new entry in a series long established or a weird experiment meant only for the dedicated, Tom is eager to report on it. Rest assured, if Nintendo ever announces Elite Beat Agents 2, he’ll be there.