There’s a new Catherine: Full Body trailer for Switch – Do Not Die. Those last three words, delivered with flat sincerity during the game’s boss stages, capture Catherine’s tower climbing perils pretty perfectly. This isn’t an easy game to get through, but its puzzle based gameplay and the unique narrative around it has gotten a fresh look on Switch during today’s New Game+ Expo.
It’s not all nightmares and bad ends though, as the above trailer also includes some of the helpful features to get you to the top of each towering nightmare. Moves can easily be undone if you’ve pushed or pulled yourself into a dead end, and you’ll be able to set the game on auto play to get you to checkpoints you’ve already reached when needed.
There’s also a glimpse at the game’s confessional booths, where you (via main character Vincent Brooks) will be asked questions pertaining to your moral character, views on relationships, and sometimes your own desires. All of that and more await you once Catherine: Full Body finally awakens on Switch on July 7th.