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Brittin Shauers
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Brittin literally grew up with Link, Mario and Samus. These three characters and their worlds collectively capture everything that he loves about video games.
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Brittin is a husband, daddy and lifelong gamer born and raised in Tacoma, Washington.

Thankful as he may be for his retail electronics job, his real joy in life comes from his family, friends and hobbies. Brittin loves to write for fun, dabbling in both game journalism and creative writing pursuits. His ultimate goal is to reciprocate at least some small fraction of the decades worth of entertainment he’s enjoyed over the years.

From the first time he played level 1-1 twenty-something years ago, it was clear to Brittin that Nintendo was special. While he would plumb the depths of all of video gamedom throughout his childhood and (so far) adult life, he has always looked to the big N to define the standard of quality when it comes to games.