Fans of Portal and pinball, get ready for some earth-shattering news! Earlier today, Multimorphic Pinball announced that Portal is coming to its impressive P3 Pinball system this summer. This Portal Pinball machine is packed with stunning Portal-themed visuals, iconic voice acting from GladOS voice actress Ellen McLain, and even features…
For nearly as long as video games themselves have existed, fighting games have been living in the public’s mind, even beyond the arcades. There have been many films based on fighting games over time, including the iconic Mortal Kombat films from back in the ‘90s. Mortal Kombat’s universe and characters…
Making the rounds on various outlets last week was a leaked internal video from Sony of an AI-powered version of Horizon: Zero Dawn’s Aloy speaking to an unseen person. Never meant to be seen by the public, the video was inevitably viewed by millions and even eventually scrubbed from YouTube…
A writer and Nintendo fan based in Seattle, Washington. When not working for NinWire, she can be found eating pasta, writing stories, and wondering about when Mother 3 is finally going to get an official localization.