Few anime game adaptations are beloved like the Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi series, which originally hit the PlayStation 2 in three installments across the 2000’s before heading to a variety of other platforms including the Wii.
Now, after more than a decade’s wait, the arena fighter is returning with a new entry from Bandai Namco featuring elements from Dragon Ball Super. Check out the teaser below featuring the series’ Japanese title below:
「ドラゴンボール Sparking!」シリーズ
\映像はコチラから↓#ドラゴンボール #バトルアワー pic.twitter.com/VMMPWWeSUr
— ドラゴンボールゲームスバトルアワー2023公式 (@db_eventpj_jp) March 5, 2023
The new Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi game has yet to receive a release date, title, or even confirmed platforms but we’ll be sure to let you know if and when it is announced for the Switch!