Back in 2001 Kirby got his own anime in Japan, titled Kirby of the Stars, which managed to faithfully adapt the world of Dream Land with a blend of 2D and 3D animation. The anime was eventually localized as Kirby: Right Back at Ya! by 4Kids and saw multiple re-releases over the years, such as through a dedicated Wii channel in Europe and the 3DS Nintendo Video service.
Now, as part of the Kirby 30th Anniversary Concert celebrations, it’s been confirmed the Kirby anime is back with a blu-ray release.
フェス会場から速報ですーっ!な、なんと!カービィさんの30周年を記念して、2001年から放映されたアニメ「星のカービィ」のBlu-ray BOXが発売決定っっ!ドンドンパフパフ~!
HDでキレイになった映像が楽しめちゃいますね!詳しくは続報をお待ちください!#星のカービィ30周年 #アニメ星のカービィ— 星のカービィ (@Kirby_JP) August 11, 2022
All 100 episodes will be included in a HD resolution and it’s slated to hit Japan in Winter 2022. An international release has yet to be confirmed.