As a holiday gift last month, Sega released a new animated Sonic short focused entirely on the Chao, featuring plenty of call-backs to the Adventure games specifically. That love is only continuing, with the latest piece of official Sonic Channel artwork depicting the cute l’il guys watching the teacher of the Chao Kindergarten give a speech, with a cameo appearance by Big the Cat.
なりたてのオトナチャオたちに、チャオ幼稚園の園長先生がお祝いのスピーチ中です。 でも人の話をちゃんと聞かない、やんちゃなオトナチャオもいるようで……。
日本では今日は「成人の日」。オトナヒトのみなさん、成人式会場ではいい子にしていましょうね★【チャンネルスタッフ】#Chao #BigTheCat— ソニック委員会・ザ・ムービー (@sonic20th) January 13, 2020
The artwork was released for Coming of Age Day in Japan.
We’ll just have to wait and see if all this Adventure love is leading to any new announcements, but we can hope!