Happy Valentine’s Day! … Or Single’s Awareness Day… Or go for the weird and celebrate National Ferris Wheel Day. Yes, it’s real. A certain town in Unova is probably having a field day with the crossover.
No matter how you feel about Valentine’s Day, it’s always lovely to see our favorite games, shows, movies, etc. get punny and geeky à la Valentine’s Day cards. Twitter is already abuzz with various well wishes and art, and the team behind Detective Pikachu’s account is on top of the holiday, too!
Thanks to three different Valentine’s Day cards themed to the movie about our favorite electric mouse sleuth, we’ve been treated to new renders of Detective Pikachu, Mr. Mime, and Jigglypuff. Share them with your friends or host a Photoshop battle — it’s up to you.
We may see more images today, as @detpikachumovie sent a card towards @Pokémon’s way.
Who will you choose this Valentine’s Day? Me? I’ll sit this one out with Bulbasaur, and wait for Detective Pikachu to be released in theaters this May 10th.
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