Nintendo’s mobile scape is in a pretty alright spot right now. Fire Emblem Heroes rakes in cash even as it approaches its second birthday, Dragalia Lost has been steadily growing since its release, and even Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp is still supported and developing. That said, the next Nintendo title coming to your phone has been set back a little bit according to a tweeted announcement and the latest investor report.
スマートフォン向けアプリ『マリオカート ツアー』は、アプリの品質向上および配信後のサービス内容拡充のため、配信予定を2019年夏とさせていただきます。
— 任天堂株式会社 (@Nintendo) January 31, 2019
This comes after a previous statement that the app would arrive by March 2019. The delay comes in order to “improve the quality”, sticking to Nintendo’s willingness to hold back their titles til they’re good and ready. Be on the lookout for more Mario Kart Tour news coming down the track in the coming months.