While a little more subdued compared to previous entries in the franchise, Breath of the Wild’s music is still quite the delight to listen to, from the chill Hateno Village to the rousing Hyrule Castle themes. Now, the entire soundtrack is getting the treatment it deserves, at least in Japan.
The $50 5-CD set will feature 211 songs and sound effects, including two tracks that aren’t in the game – hopefully that includes the phenomenal song that backed up the January Presentation trailer.
To make room for all of the CDs, the collection will be released in large packaging, complete with some beautiful artwork.
Not only that but there’ll be a $70 first-print run edition which comes with a special slip case and a little PlayButton music player decorated with an 8-Bit Link, which plays a select 15 songs from the game.

The Breath of the Wild Original Soundtrack will release on April 25th in Japan and you can already pre-order either version via PlayAsia, where you can also save $3 by using the code NINWIRE at checkout.