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A single Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker catcher featuring Aryll and Link’s grandmother returns to the Badge Arcade today!

wind waker badges


Free play?: Yep!
Practice catcher:

majoras mask badges

It’s the final day for one of the retro Zelda II catchers currently in the Arcade! Don’t have those badges yet? Y’probably should get on that.

Don’t forget about the Badge Arcade’s special theme promotion! Until September 8th at 3:00 a.m. PST, the purchase of ten plays will nab players this A Link Between Worlds 3DS home screen theme!

Special Theme Promotion

There’s also the Arcade’s “thank-you” badges to collect. Until September 8th at 3:00 a.m. PST, every dollar spent in the Arcade will secure you one of four badges featuring the buck-toothed tycoon himself.

Badge Arcade Thank You Bunny Badges

That’s all for today! Catch you tomorrow!

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Written by Daniel Dell-Cornejo

Daniel is an editor at Nintendo Wire. Always with his head in the clouds, he is never apart from his creative thoughts – a blessing for an aspiring fiction writer. As a journalist and lifelong gamer, he aims to provide readers with the very best in Nintendo coverage.