
  • Series: Pokémon Sun & Moon
  • Pokedex No.: Unknown
  • Height: 1′00″
  • Weight: 7.3 lbs.
  • Type: Electric Steel
  • Togedemaru is the Roly-Poly Pokémon that gathers electricity and stores it. The long needle that grows from the back of its head works as a lightning rod to attract electricity. With this reservoir of electrical energy, Togedemaru is able to release powerful Electric-type attacks!

    Covering its body is a pattern of fur with strands like needles. That means that Togedamaru can roll itself up, and presto—it's a ball of prickles!

    Some skilled Trainers have developed the strategy of getting other Pokémon to unleash Electric-type attacks on Togedemaru, which absorbs their power to use in a response attack!

    On days when lightning strikes, you can sometimes see Togedemaru gather and bristle up their needles, waiting to be struck by lightning.