Raid Hour (also referred to as Legendary Raid Hour) started as an experiment in March 2019. Initially called Legendary Lunch Hour, Niantic set aside an hour on Wednesdays for Pokémon GO Trainers to find 5-Star (Legendary) Raids easier by increasing the appearance rates. After further testing, Raid Hour was renamed…
We’re just one day away from the highly anticipated launch of The Plucky Squire on Nintendo Switch, and to celebrate, Devolver Digital has released a launch trailer to celebrate. For those of you out of the loop, The Plucky Squire follows the story of Jot, a squire who discovers that…
It’s that time of year again—leaves are changing, temperatures are dropping, and Nintendo of America has unveiled a new Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Nintendo Switch bundle for the holiday season! But this year, there’s even more to celebrate, as Nintendo is offering not one, but two bundles for new Switch…