The ever-enthusiastic “DJ MasterSeal” is back to talk Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE! Last time he hyped us up for the game’s battle systems, but this time around things are more dungeon exploration focused. Take a look below, but be warned – multiple bosses are shown:
The trailer takes us through the game’s various dungeon mechanics, from the ability to land first strikes on enemies to gain an advantage to the numerous puzzles you’ll have to tackle.
You can also stumble upon rare enemies identified by gold coloring, which will get you some impressive loot if you manage to take them down. Those who really want to test their luck can also face off against “Savage Mirages”, who are signified by a thick dark aura and drop even better loot.

Finally, side quests aren’t limited to the real world, as you can find friendlier mirages in dungeons that ask you to perform various tasks for rewards and experience.
Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE launches later this month on June 24th in both Europe and North America.