There are plenty of video game franchises hitting significant milestones this year, but one of the most noteworthy is Dragon Quest’s 30th anniversary. While the series has only seen moderate success in the West over the years, its Japanese reputation is through the roof, with over 50 million combined sales in the region alone.
To both celebrate Dragon Quest’s enduring success and advertise the upcoming Dragon Quest Heroes 2 for PlayStation 4, Square-Enix has commissioned a massive 14 meter/46 foot long mural that stretches along the billboard space at Shinjuku Metro Promenade. It was drawn up by artist Rena Rena in the space of a month, who is well-known for her blackboard art.

Featuring slimes, chimeras, platypunks and many more iconic enemies, the mural is sure to grab the attention of fans both old and new. Be sure to watch the video below to see it being made:
As a marketing twist, it is encouraged for passersby to tweet out the hashtag #DQH2. If over 5000 tweets containing the hashtag are gathered by the end of the day, several monsters will be wiped off the slate the next morning. So that means if you happen to be in the area be sure to check it out in full before more and more enemies start getting vanquished!
Japanese Dragon Quest fans have a lot more to look forward to throughout the year, such as the 3DS and PS4 release of Dragon Quest XI. Those of us in the West won’t totally miss out on the festivities though, as the 3DS ports of Dragon Quest VII and VIII are still coming later this year!
Source: Japan Trends