Hey, mayors! Are you having trouble catching a bee? Did you finally complete that furniture series you’ve been after? Did Agnes move in and destroy your perfect gold rose garden? Then you’re in luck, ‘cause today’s badges are all about emotions!
Free play? No.
Practice catcher:
It’s the final day for today’s re-released Animal Crossing badges, so if you’ve yet to complete these sets, do it now!
Don’t forget about the Badge Arcade’s two special promotions! Until May 25th, every dollar you spend at the Arcade will nab you one of these four badges of the Arcade Bunny himself!
Additionally, a purchase of ten plays or more will get you this Animal Crossing: New Leaf home screen theme! This offer expires on May 26th at 3:00 a.m. PST, so get it while you can!
That’s all for today, city folks! Catch you tomorrow!