Get ready for your 3DS to receive further improvements to its overall system stability courtesy of Nintendo, as a new homebrew vulnerability has been discovered, this time in relation to the eShop title Citizens of Earth.
Dubbed ‘Humblehax’ due to the game’s inclusion in the recent Humble Bundle Friends of Nintendo Bundle, the exploit lets the 3DS run unsigned code with the help of an already existing entry point. Nintendo has since removed both the game and demo from the eShop, with no clear indication of exactly when they will be back up for purchase.

Earlier today Atlus issued the following statement over Facebook:
“Due to unforeseen circumstances, we had to immediately remove Citizens of Earth from the Nintendo eShop for Nintendo 3DS. Both Atlus and Nintendo are working together to get Citizens of Earth back up on the eShop. We apologize for the inconvenience to anyone affected by this, and assure you that we’re working to restore it as quickly as possible.”
Despite the game’s temporary removal from the storefront, anyone with a Humble Bundle download code should still be able to head into the eShop right now and redeem it, as tested earlier this afternoon by multiple members of the Nintendo Inquirer team.
This isn’t the first time the 3DS has succumbed to homebrew hacking efforts, and it likely won’t be the last. The news comes hot off the heels of another vulnerability brought to light in the eShop title VVVVVV. While most hacking methods have been phased out through software patches and system updates, workarounds are constantly in development by the homebrew community. Retail copies of both Cubic Ninja and The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D remain high in demand and in some cases continue to soar in price for this very reason, though at the cost of requiring the player to keep their systems running on older firmware.