It’s been an exciting couple of weeks for Ace Attorney fans, from the confirmation of a western release of Spirit of Justice this September to the on-going anime series making its way to Crunchyroll every week.
Japanese fans of the franchise have yet another thing to look forward to though: an Ace Attorney novel, releasing June 15th in the region. Titled Gyakuten Saiban – Gyakuten Idol, or Ace Attorney: Turnabout Idol, the book will follow Phoenix Wright as his visit to a shopping mall is interrupted by the arrest of an idol in a murder case. Naturally he becomes her defense attorney, and sets out prove her innocence.

The book will be written by Mie Takase, who has written multiple light novels in the past for other video game franchises such as Shin Megami Tensei and Fire Emblem. Illustrations will be provided by Kikuyaro, a veteran when it comes to creating Ace Attorney illustrations.
We’ll be sure to let you know if the book ever gets localized, but for now you can take a look at its page.