Rejoice, aspiring video game lawyers! On the heel of yesterday’s announcement that the next Ace Attorney game will hit the west in September, Capcom has also announced that the Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy and Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies are both on sale in the Nintendo 3DS eShop.

You can snag Phoenix Wright’s first three adventures in court in the Trilogy for the price of $17.99, or follow him and his two proteges, Apollo Justice and Athena Cykes, in Dual Destinies for $14.99. Both games are on sale until May 18th, and offer a great and affordable way to get into one of the most well-known and highly regarded visual novel series out there.
Originally released on the GBA in Japan in 2001 — before being ported to DS and out west in 2005 — the Ace Attorney series follows Phoenix Wright, an aspiring defense lawyer, and his friends as they seek to preserve justice and uphold the law. With fantastic music, amazing writing, and a loveable cast of characters, this wonderful series comes highly recommended, so be sure to pick it up while it’s cheaper!