Soon it’ll be even easier to own The Legend of Zelda content in multiple formats, as a new compilation series is on its way for manga lovers.
“The Legend of Zelda: Legendary Edition Vol. 1” is the first of five planned manga compilations to be released by VIZ Media. Each collection is to feature two graphic novels from the author/illustrator duo “Akira Himekawa”, who are responsible for the manga retellings of various The Legend of Zelda stories.

“The Legend of Zelda is an unforgettable and tremendously loved property among multiple generations of video game, pop culture and manga fans,” said VIZ Media Senior Editor Beth Kawasaki. “We are very excited to bring fans The Legend of Zelda in a comprehensive new way with these collectible omnibus editions.”
“Vol. 1,” available for pre-order today, will be comprised of both parts of Himekawa’s Ocarina of Time series.
Meanwhile, “Vol. 2” has been confirmed to feature both Himekawa’s Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons.

Both “The Legend of Zelda: Legendary Editions” can be pre-ordered from Amazon for $19.99 USD each, with the first volume expected to release in November and the second arriving two months after that.