Despite Yo-Kai Watch’s lackluster success in North America as a game, it seems that the series as a whole is still managing to wiggle its way into other countries and venues, and become increasingly popular with people, albeit slowly.
In an interview with Patrick Hickey, a writer for National Video Games, the CEO of LEVEL-5 Akihiro Hino has made mention that season 1 of the Yo-Kai Watch anime will be available for streaming via Netflix starting this month! For anyone interested in the cartoon, this might be the perfect time to catch up.

This news came in tandem with the announcement that the Yo-Kai Watch mobile application, Yo-Kai Watch Puni Puni, or Wibble Wobble in English, will be coming overseas. The app has already been out for about six months in Japan, and is said to offer the same unique experience the 3DS game offers, but formatted for mobile. Hino also mentioned Hasbro’s new line of Yo-kai toys that are scheduled for this year, as well.
Additionally, outside of the US, the first season of Yo-Kai Watch is preparing to premier for the first time in quite a few places. In the UK, you can expect the cartoon on Cartoon Network on April 23rd. Throughout the rest of this year, the show will also be aired in France, Germany, Austria, Belgium, the Netherlands, Spain, Africa, Portugal, Turkey, Poland, Russia, and Ukraine. The 3DS game will also finally be released across Europe on April 29th! Quite the global takeover!
It’ll be interesting to see if any other countries take to Yo-Kai Watch in any particular way, or if they’ll react as if it’s just another cartoon. For those in the US, though, Yo-Kai Watch season 1 is available on Netflix now!