Its been almost a month since we got our first glimpse at Sun and Moon; the next entries in the Pokémon franchise. Back then all we saw was footage of tantalizing concept art, which we thoroughly analyzed.
Thankfully the wait for in-game images may soon be over, as Serebii reports the next episode of Pokénchi, which airs on April 3rd, will feature the first televised footage from the new games. Series director Junichi Masuda, battle director Shigeki Morimoto and game director Shigeru Ohmori will also be present.

Pokénchi, also known as “Meet Up at the Pokémon House?”, is a weekly show that previously went by the names Pokémon Sunday and Pokémon Get☆TV. It airs every Sunday, and has featured the reveals of numerous Pokémon in the past, such as this silhouette of the Generation V starters.
Of course, the specification of it being the first televised reveal could mean we’ll be seeing the footage online ahead of the broadcast. We’ll be sure to let you know as soon as it comes in!