If you’re a collector of video game merchandise you’ve no doubt spent hours looking longingly at First 4 Figures’ range of detailed, yet pricey, statues. They’ve covered everything from Sonic to Viewtiful Joe, and now they’re working with Nintendo to make a statue of the iconic Arwing of Star Fox fame.

Taking its Star Fox 64 appearance, the Arwing will be cast in polystone and painted by hand, and will stand on a base emblazoned with the team’s insignia. As is often the case with their statues, First 4 Figures is offering two different options; one with LED lighting in the back engine, and another without. The former will set you back $299.99, while the latter is slightly cheaper at $279.99. Check out the differences in the galleries below:
Basic Statue:
LED Statue:
The statues are both currently planned for a Q4 2016 release, and will be available in limited quantities.
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