Wii U owners finally got a slice of the Minecraft pie in December, but vigilant Nintendo fans may remember that the narrative focused spin-off, Story Mode, was confirmed for the system back in August. Now, three months after its October release on other platforms, the first episode of the game is finally making its way to the Wii U.

Minecraft: Story Mode is developed by Telltale Games, well known for their pedigree of episodic adventure games like The Walking Dead, and Story Mode follows a similar structure, although it’s more comedic in tone. Players fill the blocky boots of Jesse, whose appearance and gender are chosen before beginning the game, who heads out with some friends to find “The Order of the Stone”, a legendary group of heroes who once saved the world.
The game also has quite the cast, featuring the voice talents of Patton Oswalt, Paul Reubens, Cory Feldman and many more. Other platforms have already gotten the first four episodes of the tale and are now just waiting on the finale, so hopefully it won’t be too long of a wait for Wii U owners to catch up.
Check out the trailer for the first episode:
The first episode of Minecraft: Story Mode will be released this Thursday on the Wii U eShop for $4.99, and will feature off-TV play and touch-screen controls unique to the system.
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