UPDATE (1/14): A demo for Bravely Second will be available in Europe on February 11th. No worries about losing any progress you make while playing the demo either– you’ll be able to transfer over your save data to the purchased version of the game once it’s released so you can still receive those in-game bonuses!
UPDATE (12/10): Bravely Second has been confirmed for a February 26th release in Europe, complete with a special edition!

The game is on track for a Spring 2016 release in the US, so it might be a little bit of a longer wait for American JRPG fans to get their hands on this return to Luxendarc.
The sequel to the hit 2013 JRPG Bravery Default is indeed coming to the West.
Bravery :Second End Layer will connect you with past characters and some new ones as well.
The story surrounds events that have taken place several years after the conlusion of the first title. Agnès Oblige has been kidnapped and the player will fight alongside Yu Zeneolsia and a cast of other characters to save her.
Bravery Second: End Layer will release in 2016.