The first images of January’s issue of CoroCoro magazine in Japan have leaked, bringing us quite a bit of new Pokémon information, just in time for the 20th anniversary celebrations announcement!
First up is a few pages regarding the Pokémon anime, with a few new details regarding the next movie, due out in 2016. The film will feature Volcanion, who was only recently announced by The Pokémon Company, and it will focus on the legendary Pokémon’s hate for humans. CoroCoro also questions why Volcanion might hate humans the way it does, and states that next month’s issue, which will be out on February 15th, will include a “World Exclusive Scoop Poster.”

Additionally, the Pokémon Scrap campaign will be returning to Japan, and with it is coming a Shiny Eevee, as well as Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres with their hidden abilities (Snow Cloak, Static, and Flame Body respectively). The three legendary birds with their hidden abilities were previously unavailable to players. A Master Ball distribution will also be happening sometime in the near future. No word yet on whether or not we’ll see this in North America and Europe as well, but fingers crossed!
However, we’ve saved the best news for last. In a surprising turn of events, just after a new Pokkén Tournament fighter was teased just five days ago, we’re getting not one, not two, but three new playable Pokémon! The first is Mewtwo, not to be confused with the special Shadow Mewtwo that’s available after the main game is completed. The second character, adding another starter evolution to the lineup, is Braixen, Fennekin’s middle evolution. And lastly, a hopeful for many I’m sure, is Garchomp, the famous Ground- and Dragon-Type pseudo-legendary. All three will be playable upon Pokkén’s release on March 18th in Japan. Surprisingly enough, not one of these three Pokémon’s names contain the Japanese character “ra” like Pokkén’s official Twitter stated, meaning that we could still be in for another reveal!

And lastly, take note: this month’s CoroCoro teases what to expect from next month’s issue, and it sounds big. The magazine states that February’s installment will have a “major announcement that will affect the entire world.” There are no clues as to what this could be yet, but with that much confidence, it has to be good.
Thanks to Serebii for the translations!
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