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The Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series has captured fans hearts from its initial release of PMD Red and Blue. In today’s Nintendo Direct, it seems like that trend is only going to continue.

After the slow-paced and not-so-well received Gates to Infinity, Pokémon fans have been dying for a new Mystery Dungeon game that feels more akin to the originals. Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon, which comes out later this month, seems to be the perfect fit. Able to play as one of twenty different Pokémon (including all three starters from every generation, as well as Pikachu and Riolu), the options are already bigger than anything we’ve had so far. It’s also been confirmed that every single pokémon to date (yes, all 720 of them) are encounterable and recruitable in this game. That means that no matter who your favorite is, you’re guaranteed to see them.

Not many specifics have been given about the plot, but what we do know is that your team is working to figure out what in the Pokémon world is causing your friends and neighbors to turn to stone.

Several staples of the series are returning, such as the ever-changing dungeons and the items and traps found within. Also returning is the rescue request feature from Gates to Infinity, in which you can ask to be saved and continue on from where you fainted in a dungeon. Turn-based combat and learnable moves are also seeing a return.


A new feature announced is the Connection Orb, which puts you in a galaxy-like terminal and connects you to other Pokémon, and can give you new quests and missions.

Although no details about it have been announced, it’s likely we’ll see a big emphasis on Mega Evolution as well.

Lastly, a new Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon 3DS theme is being included with the game for a limited time.

Not many of details have been given away about this game, but it’s clear that Mystery Dungeon is making a strong return on the New 3DS. The game hits stores in a week on November 20th, and we’re all getting ready for a new, most likely emotional, adventure.

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Written by George Comatas

As a wannabe social media personality and professional in the world of sarcasm, George does his best to always adapt to the changing world around him. He considers himself a maverick: a true-to-heart gamer with the mind of a pop star. Whether this makes him revolutionary or a setback, he's yet to find out. But one thing’s for sure; he's one-of-a-kind.