Splatoon is about to get a whole lot… Splatoonier: Nintendo has announced that both a new weapon and a rebalancing update are on their way to copies of the popular shooter worldwide.
Changes are being made to weapons of all classes, various stages, matchmaking for S-rank players and rules in Rainmaker and Tower Control modes.
Worthy of note are severe nerfs to numerous blasters and rollers, making it much more difficult for players who use these weapons to splat others in one shot.
The patch is also packaged with fixes for a number of bugs, including ones that have affected a few of the game’s weapons.
Scheduled for delivery as well is the Rapid Blaster Pro, a new weapon sure to please blaster users.

While the 2.2.0 update is expected to arrive on October 20th, the Rapid Blaster Pro releases at 7:00 p.m. PST tonight.
For more information on the changes coming in the 2.2.0 update, check out Nintendo’s detailed patch notes.
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