Raid Hour (also referred to as Legendary Raid Hour) started as an experiment in March 2019. Initially called Legendary Lunch Hour, Niantic set aside an hour on Wednesdays for Pokémon GO Trainers to find 5-Star (Legendary) Raids easier by increasing the appearance rates. After further testing, Raid Hour was renamed…
Initially announced on January 31st, 2020, Niantic announced it would begin testing new types of events during February 2020 – Pokémon Spotlight Hour and Mystery Bonus Hour. After testing and user feedback, Niantic combined both events into one and announced what Pokémon and bonuses would be featured in advance. Now,…
Talk about repressed memories coming back to me suddenly, but anyone who was a kid during the N64’s lifespan will likely remember the brash commercials Nintendo aired. One of the more obscure was for the 1998 classic Banjo-Kazooie. A brief 30-second ad had some men camping in the forest and…
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