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Animal Crossing: New Horizon’s “Dream” functionality allows players to visit random islands uploaded to the internet through “Dream Address” codes. By lying in any bed, players have the option to get some sleep and interact with Luna, a strange tapir character whose responsibilities include managing uploaded dream islands and helping players get to the dream island they want to visit. Animal Crossing: New Horizons doesn’t include an in-game search feature, meaning it’s difficult to find cool dream islands without Dream Addresses already handy.

That’s why we’ve put together this database of Dream Address codes, so you can check out cool dream islands from across the dreamosphere! We’ve broken our database down into four sections: The first is a random Dream Address generator, which will pull a random dream island from our database for you to visit. The second is a list of Nintendo Wire team Dream Addresses, so you can visit the dream islands of members of the Nintendo Wire staff! The third is a list of celebrity Dream Addresses — codes for well-known actors, musicians, streamers, artists, you name it — that we’ve come across. The last is a list of user-submitted Dream Addresses: codes from our readers and followers on social media who’ve been kind enough to submit their dream islands!


Get a random Dream Address!





daniel dell-cornejo

Villager Name: Daniel

Island Theme: None


Get a new random Dream Address!


Nintendo Wire team Dream Addresses


Wanna visit the dream island of one of the Nintendo Wire team members? Find a Dream Address below! The list can be fully searched and sorted, too!


Real NameWho They AreIsland NameVillager NameIsland ThemeDream Address
Daniel Dell-CornejoEditor at Nintendo Wire.WindfallDanielNoneDA-2609-9716-5974
Marcus RamirezContributor at Nintendo Wire.SanibelMarcusSummer VibesDA-7623-0342-9406
Reece HeatherContributor at Nintendo WireDA-1665-5147-8522
Tom BrownEditor at Nintendo WireTenokoRotoEdwardian... Japan?DA-3677-1085-4180


Celebrity Dream Addresses


Here’s a list of who we’d consider famous Animal Crossing: New Horizons players, along with Dream Addresses they’ve made public. Don’t know who a certain person is? No worries: we’ve also included information on what they’re known for.


Real NameWho They AreIsland NameVillager NameIsland ThemeDream Address
KanaheiIllustrator known for LINE stickers.カナヘイの島 カナヘイNoneDA-3845-4148-6266
Mark HoppusBassist and co-lead vocalist of the rock band Blink-182.DA-6603-9928-6927
Felicia DayActress, writer, and web series creator. Known for roles in The Guild, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Supernatural, and Mystery Science Theater 3000.FeliciaDayNoneDA-2226-6765-4410
NintendoDeveloper and publisher of Animal Crossing: New HorizonsDA-6382-1459-4417


User-submitted Dream Addresses


Our Dream Address Database wouldn’t exist without the contributions of our awesome readers and followers! This is a full list of all user-submitted dream islands. Sort and search by island name, villager name, and island theme to find the perfect place to visit.


Island NameVillager NameIsland ThemeDream Address
soda popJamA Cool Place with StreetsDA-3703-8749-9872
TanatukArtusJunoBuddhist IslandDA-2583-6968-0062
Nooblar IVAndyDeceptively Secretive Small TownDA-4486-4958-6701
Koopa FallsShellHeadsCasual/Firework Viewing AreasDA-0973-5766-1949
Twin PeaksCooperMurder MysteryDA-6269-3366-9257
Sweet DayMonitaNoneDA-2823-0239-8071
New HyruleDaegaThe Legend of ZeldaDA-9114-1462-2579
BonfortunaMs. BirdNoneDA-4601-2331-5452
Sunset AveDakotaGothicDA-2995-2592-3340
Gold BeachOwenCute, Small Town VibeDA-5009-8662-5228
MonsterJoshuaGiant Monster MoviesDA-8768-8497-7419
KorikaKotaHarmony with NatureDA-6402-7293-7990
LurelinAaronSimple and CleanDA-8641-3567-6493
HatenoKatHateno Village from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the WildDA-4857-7412-6163