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If you’ve been out and about in the past 24 hours playing Pokémon GO, and noticed an influx of Ground-type Pokémon, you’re not going crazy. Niantic is following through with more promises and more bonuses, and as celebration for all the Trainers out there who participated in Earth Day cleanups alongside the company, they’re letting Ground-types loose!

Alongside Ground-types like Diglett, Sandshrew, Cubone, Numel, Swinub, and Phanpy showing their faces a lot more often for the next couple days — Niantic is also rewarding players with 2x Catch Stardust and 2x Catch Candy. The Legendary Pokémon Groudon will be available in Raids (keep your eyes out for Shiny Groudon, which is available!), and maybe most importantly, Shiny Diglett and its little blue nose are making their Pokémon GO debut!


While you’re out Shiny hunting for Diglett, keep your eyes out for Cubone, Sandshrew, and Swinub as well. All three Pokémon have been made available as Shiny in the past, and these increased spawn rates might be the perfect time to finally catch one (or add another to your collection!)

The celebrations only last until May 2nd, so act fast! Good luck, Trainers!


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Written by George Comatas

As a wannabe social media personality and professional in the world of sarcasm, George does his best to always adapt to the changing world around him. He considers himself a maverick: a true-to-heart gamer with the mind of a pop star. Whether this makes him revolutionary or a setback, he's yet to find out. But one thing’s for sure; he's one-of-a-kind.