The trend of converting classic and popular Pokémon into life-sized plushes has finally reached its logical conclusion. After years of bringing some of our favorite buddies to life, such as Psyduck, Porygon, and Mew, Japan’s Pokémon Center has given into the memes and created the ultimate life-sized plush: Gardevoir. Every sicko on the internet erupted with glee simultaneously.
Spotted by Pokéshopper the other day, the Pokémon Center store will begin selling a life-sized Gardevoir plush on February 6th, 2025, at 10 a.m. JT. The plush is 160 cm tall, or roughly 5’ 3” — which matches the official Pokédex entry for the critter, and will weigh around 5 kg, which is 11 lbs. The plush will cost ¥49,500, or about $320 USD. Can you really put a price on derangement, though?
While I don’t have the heights of the other life-sized plushes to compare this to, VGC states that Gardevoir is one of the largest life-sized plushes to be sold at the Pokémon Center. Considering I’ve met people who are shorter than this, I would have to agree. The promotional photos even show Gardevoir sitting at a desk, standing up in a living room, and nearly matching the height of a hired model. That’s large.
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