Nintendo is a tech company, which means that — big shock — they’re interested in developing new technologies. One of said technologies is augmented reality, or AR — while the Big N has previously toyed with the tech on 3DS, and worked closely with AR giant Niantic for Pokémon GO, they’re looking into new potentials for the technology, as revealed in a Nikkei interview with company president Shuntaro Furukawa:
On companies like Apple entering the market with a focus on AR, and American companies’ aggressive application of new technologies.
Furukawa: Something I do not want the public to misunderstand is that we are not turning our backs on new technologies – we are constantly researching and developing. Our hardware development teams evaluate all kinds of new technologies available thus far and consult with our software developers. If they determine that a technology can be used with a game, then they will utilize it. We will not be changing this fundamental approach moving forward.
As for AR, it is definitely one of the many aspects we are interested in. We are currently researching what interesting ways we can utilize it.
After tinkering with AR in the past, it’s exciting to hear that the Big N is thinking about new ways that the technology can be used in game design. Hopefully we’ll see something come of it soon!
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