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The following guide is a full walkthrough of The Suthorn Ruins, the 1st dungeon in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom.

So you’ve made it to the Suthorn Ruins, deep within the Stilled Suthorn Forest. inside, you’ll want to activate the warp point right away. That’ll give you a good spot to return to if you need it later.



Now, don’t just head straight in. There are some pots to the right of the door, so break them open and grab a few items. Then, move on into the next room.

Learning the “Guide” Ability


In this next room, there’s a giant boulder in the center of the room. Approach it, and Twi will teach you the Guide ability! This is where Twi really comes in handy by helping you move objects around. Test it out by pushing that giant rock off the ledge and hit the switch behind it to open the door to the next area.

Mmmm. Butter.


In the next room, you’ll find another giant rock in the center of the room. You’ll need to move it to fill a gap in the ramp at the back of the room. (Or use beds like I did…) Once that’s done, climb up the ramp and check out the room above—it’s a small detour, but worth it for a chest containing some Radiant Butter.  Once you’ve grabbed the goods, head back down and climb down the ladder will the rock once was.

Meet the Strandula


Now things get interesting. This next room introduces a new enemy called a Strandula—a spider-like creature that repels up and down on webs. Take one of these guys out, and snag its Echo.

With the Strandula Echo, you can create webs of your own! Use this to climb up and grab the chest in the middle of the room, which contains the Dungeon Map. Nice!

When you’re done, jump down and use another web to climb to a ladder on the right side. Head up to the next room.

Navigating with Echoes


In this room, you’re going to need to use echoes to navigate to the left side of the room. Personally, I find the bed and trampoline Echos to be the easiest for navigating but feel free to use what you like best. Work your way up to the left side and continue down the hallway.

There’s an elevator at the end of this hall, so hop on and ride it up to the next floor.

Facing the Darknut


Brace yourself—you’re about to face a Darknut. These guys are tough, but just toss some rocks at it to knock it down. Grab the Darknut Echo, and move left and head down the ladder.

Light Those Torches!

In this room, it’s time for a small puzzle. There are two torches you need to light. The first torch is under a ladder to the east—use an Igizol Echo to light it. Then, move the nearby rock with the Guide ability, climb up, and light the second torch hidden behind a stack of boxes. Light the boxes on fire to reach it. Once both are lit, a gate will open, revealing a ladder. Up we go!

The Golden Shield Puzzle


You’ll come to another warp point—activate it for safety—and you’ll notice a statue holding a Golden Shield. Use the Guide ability to yank it out of the statue’s hand, which opens the next gate. Move forward into the long hallway beyond.

You’ll encounter a few enemies here, but honestly, it’s easier to just sprint past them unless you’re itching for a fight. Keep going until you hit a staircase—at the top of those stairs is your first boss encounter.

First Boss: Link?!


Yep, you read that right. The first boss is Link, but don’t worry—this clearly isn’t the real Link. Something seems a bit off about him. The fight isn’t too tricky, though. For the first part, stay hidden behind rocks until Link loses sight of you, then chuck whatever you can find—rocks, pots, anything—at him. You can use other enemy echoes as well, but chucking things is just so much more fun.

The second phase is just a slightly harder version of the first, so keep doing the same thing, and eventually, you’ll take him down. You can get creative with Echoes here too—use whatever you like! It’s a fun battle, so don’t stress too much.



When you win, Link drops a Mysterious Sword, and now Zelda can go into Sword Fighter Mode! It’s temporary and drains sword energy, but it gives you the power of link for a brief few moments. Use this mode to cut through the purple web blocking your path and continue forward.

Heart Pin!

In the next room, you’ll need to use the Guide ability to move yet ANOTHER big rock. This will help you reach the top of the room. Jump on the rock and use echoes to get to the ledge above. (Use all the beds) Once on the ledge, use the Strandula echo to repel up and grab the chest! Inside the chest you will find a Heart Pin, which increases the number of hearts that drop when it’s equipped—definitely worth grabbing. Afterward, make your way down the ladder and head to the next room.

Deku Babas and a Quick Puzzle


Now, you’ll face a few Deku Babas. Activate Sword Fighter Mode and take them out to unlock the door to the north. Before you go through, though, pop into the room to the west for a quick puzzle. Use the Guide ability to lift a green statue, then move it onto a button to open a gate and get a Purple Rupee. Sweet, sweet money!

Once you’re done, head back and go through the northern door you unlocked. You’ll need to defeat one more Deku Baba hiding behind a fence. Use an Echo or just grab him with Twi. Once it’s dead, grab the key and head back to the main hallway.

Moving Platforms and Reverse Bond Power


It’s platforming time! In the main hallway, there’s a locked door to the southeast—use the key to open it. This room has moving platforms, and you’re going to need to use a new power called Reverse Bond which allows you to cling to the platforms as the move and hover between gaps. Do this a few times until you are at the top of the screen. To the right you will find a chest with a Red Rupee and to the left, a ladder leading onward.

The Boss Key!


You’re almost there! But first, one last puzzle. Use the Guide ability and a Trampoline Echo to bounce the green statue onto a button, which unlocks the chest containing the Boss Key. With the Boss Key in hand, head back to the main hallway.

The Final Boss: Seismic Talus


And now for the final showdown in this dungeon! To the north is the Boss Door, so make sure you’ve activated the warp point, then head inside.

The boss is a Seismic Talus. It’s a big rock monster, but surprisingly easy to deal with. Stay clear of its main attacks and wait for it to smash its hands into the ground. That’s your cue to go into Sword Fighter Mode and start wailing on it. After a bit, it’ll drop a pink orb. Attack the orb as much as you can, and the Talus will respawn. Repeat this cycle until it’s defeated.

It’ll get faster, but as long as you keep your distance and play it smart, you’ve got this!

When the fight’s over, enjoy the cutscene, grab your Heart Container. You just defeated your first dungeon!

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Written by Jason Ganos

Nintendo super fan since birth, Jason is the creator of Amiibo News and editor-in-chief at Nintendo Wire. One of his life goals is to provide the latest Nintendo news to fellow gamers with his natural know-how.