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The Legend of Zelda series is one of Nintendo’s longest running franchises, and for good reason too. If you’re a Nintendo fan, odds are you’ve probably played at least a few Zelda games in your time. Despite this legacy, it’s been over a decade since the last new 2D entry in the series released all the way back in 2013. Many fans assumed that Link’s transition to 3D adventures would entirely replace the traditional 2D entries, but as of today, that has been confirmed not to be the case!

This brand-new entry comes in the form of The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom and looks to break a lot of series traditions from what we’ve seen so far. The majority if not all of the game has the player playing as Zelda instead of Link, which is an option fans have been clamoring for for a long time. In addition, the gameplay centers around the Echo feature, which lets Zelda create copies of objects and enemies and place them in the environment to progress. 



In terms of the visual style, the game uses the same engine as the Nintendo Switch remake of Link’s Awakening, which is a great choice for stylized 2D Zelda gameplay. Set for release on September 26th, 2024, this entry looks to be a creative and engaging experience for those looking to take a break from the open world format the series has been running with in recent years. 






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Written by Abbie Maxwell

Lifelong Nintendo fangirl, Abbie holds a special place in her heart for video games. She has always strived to provide tips and tricks to make the experiences of those who share her passions that much better.